Our Methodology

Our Methodology


We are Experts at Acquiring Patients through Digital Marketing

We deliver comprehensive digital marketing campaigns that specifically target potential patients. With deep healthcare experience in new patient acquisition, we are uniquely positioned to effectively communicate the availability & benefits afforded to qualifying patients.

Strategy & Analytics

  • Acquisition Strategy
  • Engagement Strategy
  • Product Strategy
  • Experience Strategy
  • Content Strategy
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Business Analysis
  • Customer Insights
  • User Testing & Optimization

Data & Marketing Tech

  • Data Strategy
  • Database Builds
  • Data Execution & Management
  • Marketing Technology
  • Marketing Automation
  • Multivariate Testing

UX Design & Development

  • Ideation & Concepting
  • Copy & Content
  • Prototype Creation
  • User Validation
  • Visual Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Usability Testing
  • Accessibility
  • Front-end Dev
  • Back-end Dev

Performance Marketing

  • Lead Generation
  • Paid Search
  • Location Marketing
  • Social
  • SEO
  • Organic
  • Display
  • Referral
  • Affiliate

CRM, Loyalty & Conversion

  • Conversion Optimization
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Content that converts
  • Rich Media
  • Relationship Management
  • CRM
  • Data Collection & Processing

We Leverage Rich Media to Provide Education

Through online video, we envision, design & create the education & training that patients value & connect with emotionally. The integration of video content into the conversion path is key to designing experiences that feel easy to use. Few types of online content provide the value, relevance, & flexibility physicians & consumers need.


In the last 10 years, the digital landscape has changed significantly. People are phasing out computers to search the web and interact with content via mobile form factors. The landscape of content marketing has changed, as well. Today, content only succeeds if it delivers what consumers want, when and how they want it.

In today’s fast-paced world, video content creation and marketing is one of the few types of online material that provides the value, relevance and flexibility consumers need, all while catering to the on-the-go lifestyle they want. Because of this shift, we take a video heavy approach to digital strategy.


Video is projected to claim more than 80% of all web traffic by 2019


Adding a video to marketing emails boosts click through rates by 300%


Embedding videos in landing pages increases conversion rates by 80%

We Connect Patients & Physicians with Technology

Technology can solve real business problems by enabling new user experiences that consumers value. We integrate all disciplines – product strategy, user experience & technology. We understand & optimize across the entire digital ecosystem to get patients through the onboarding process & connect to physicians in a compliant & convenient way.


The separate components are integrated & perform as one, allowing both patients & doctors to engage with one another in a compliant fashion via video or teleconference. Once connected, registered doctors are able to log all diagnosis & recommendations within the patient’s profile. Snap features a robust database & is built for continued advancement with the rapid expansion of telemedicine & is highly scalable.


With the patient’s personal health records, which are protected health information under HIPAA, at the core of the product, security & compliance are paramount. Snap utilizes a secure & compliant cloud based infrastructure that meets & exceeds the requirements for a web based telemedicine platform.

Telemedicine + EMR Detail

Account Registration

  • Email/Password
  • Promotional Code
  • Payment Information
  • Payment Gateway

Account Management

  • Member Type
  • Gender
  • Birthdate
  • First/Last
  • Best Contact Email
  • Best Contact Number
  • Address
  • Select Default Pharmacy
  • Add a Family Member

Talk To a Physician Now

  • Select patient seeking appointment
  • Select state location at time of appointment
  • My Appointment Information
  • Complaint
  • Preferred Appointment Timing
  • Best Contact

My Health

  • My Lifestyle
  • My Medical Conditions
  • My Medications
  • My Allergies
  • My Family History

Built In HIPAA Compliance

Security Awareness / Training

  • Periodic security guidelines & policy reminders to physicians & admins
  • Hourly scans for malicious software & alert mechanisms for malware
  • Real-time intrusion detection monitoring & alerts
  • Auditable event log of log-ins and log-in attempts, & discrepancies
  • Password configurable procedures for creating & periodic updating

Disaster Recovery

  • Data stored in multiple geo-location separated repositories & supports hot standby replicated repository recovery
  • Fully-encrypted, daily offsite backups of all data

Technical Safeguards

  • All interactions with platform require a unique user id
  • Access points enforce automatic session timeout & logoff
  • All data is stored in a fully encrypted format when written to disk
  • A cryptographic token is required by each unique user to access any system data

Audit Controls / Integrity

  • Fully auditable event log of patient scheduling, health record access, & health record modification
  • Version control of all physician charting data
  • Enforces access rights to user health records

Transmission Security

  • All access points communicate over encrypted SSL